My First Quran with Pictures - Islamic Book for Muslim Kids

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My first Quran with pictures by Faith books

Being fond of books, BabyN' loves it when I read to him and although at this stage at the age of 4, he can't properly read the words on his own until and unless he sees a word everyday and memorises it. However, he can easily recognise or pronounce it with the help of phonics. Most importantly, he loves the imagery in any book, and can generally understand the gist of it. Nowadays, the Muslim authors and publishers like Faith Books are working hard to create print material targeting the Muslim children worldwide and I'm really glad to know about this initiative because that just makes things easier for mothers, especially those living in non-Muslim countries and those who with no extra help. Living in a non-Muslim country makes it quite challenging to inculcate our values and traditions in children but books and other print media such as Islamic toys, are definitely improving the scene. 

My first Quran with pictures by Faith books

We were recently sent My First Quran with pictures that has been translated by Shereen Sharief and illustrated by Nicola Anderson, and has been aimed at young children (ages 7 and above). The book has also been checked and approved by Sheikh Dr. Abdullah ibn Yusuf Aljudai, and the title makes it quite apparent about what to expect in the book. It contains lots of different Arabic Surahs along with their translation in English and some amazing imagery for conveying the concept and meaning of the Surah to the children. I myself read the book to BabyN' and provide an explanation referring to the colourful illustrations that he recognises  and especially takes interest in the images. 

My first Quran with pictures covers lots of Surahs from the 30th chapter of the Quran, and I believe, this is an absolutely great start to introduce BabyN' to the Quran and it's teachings. I find it challenging even in making BabyN' memorise Surahs, and I believe there no is right age for this, because every child is different as I know children who are younger than him who can recite Surahs quite well, while others take more time. However, our concept shouldn't just be to make the children memorise Surahs without understanding the meaning or without explaining about it. 

Islamic book for kids

The book contains 25 Surahs and each Surah has a title on the top i.e. the name of the Surah both in English and Arabic along with an illustration for each verse, as well as its English meaning. Moreover, some Surahs also have some background information with regards to the Surah such as the reason of the revelation. Since each verse is numbered, it makes it easy for kids to recognise the verse and to connect it to the English meaning. 

In one of my other posts, I have discussed about the ways in which parents can identify a child's learning style, and the three main styles of learning are: visual, auditory and kinaesthetic. Talking about myself, I learn better when I see something and for children finding this style of learning better, it's always best to teach them using visuals. The book has illustrations that allows children to see a physical representation of the meanings of the verses which enables them to comprehend and memorise without struggling. 

Islamic book for kids

Picture books such as this one that contain engaging illustrations are great for developing interest of the children and enabling them to visualise the meaning of the verses that they can easily grasp. I love the fact that the book has glossy pages, and My first Quran with pictures can be purchased from Faith Books for £14.99. Also, they have a free colour-in pages printable of Surah Al Naan to Surah Feel on their website, that anyone can download and keep children busy especially nowadays during the half-term holidays. 

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