The Desi Mum Series: Breakfast Made By Mum With Love

16:12 Blogs by FA 49 Comments

the desi mum series breakfast made by mum with love

Today early in the morning when I was kneading the dough to make parathas (flatbread made with layers of cooked dough) for breakfast, my hands started to feel tired. I am a new mum and only in my 20's but I felt tired. Gosh! At this age, I realised.

The thought immediately diverted towards my mum. I remember she always used to go an extra mile to make sure my siblings and I had a healthy and filling breakfast.
She used to make us the perfect crispy square shaped parathas battered with home made desi ghee (type of liquid butter made with cow milk and clarified by boiling) or the ghee that used to come all the way from Punjab that my Nanna (maternal grandmother) used to send.
Yes. Punjab ka khalis desi ghee (pure butter from Punjab, a province in Pakistan popular for the best and purest food)! I am sure you must have heard this term, have you? Ah, the taste and the aroma! My mouth has started to water while I am writing this post in my bed while the baby is fast asleep. *touchwood*bless*
We always used to have bread at home. Back then, the popular one was called DAWN bread, I remember, that we mostly used to buy. I don't know for what stupid reasons but sometimes I used to prefer eating the bread over those mouth tantalizing parathas (not because I was on diet - I have never ever in my life done it).
I remember eating those parathas with fried egg (fine red chili sprinkled on my egg) and sometimes Beef Shami Kebabs and tomato ketchup. YUM!
beef shami kebab
Beef Shami Kebabs - So yummyyy! 
I miss those parathas made by mum so so much. The taste, the crispness and the aroma ... Oh my God, I can't write more about it because I will have to become a pesky wife and bug my husband to let me fly thousands of miles to have those again.
Making balls called 'pairay' is the first step of making the flat breads, after kneading of course! 
desi ghee paratha nafees kitchen
Look at these! So delicious... 

desi ghee paratha nafees kitchen
And these... some more! :D
But there is a good news for you if you are in Karachi. You can enjoy those parathas and of course some other yummy goodies. I love the whole menu but for a start I am recommending a few items you MUST try.
Mum's food makes my tongue smile and I am sure yours will smile too but don't forget bless me for the recommendation. *wink*
Ah, this is going a bit off from the original purpose of writing the post but I have done you a favour by mentioning about her venture, Nafees' Kitchen (Available for order in Karachi, Pakistan only)
Moms are growing older day by day, just like us. We feel tired, frustrated and stressed at times. They feel the same. Give your mum a day off from all these responsibilities and pamper her a bit.

Best Experiences for a Mum Recommended by a Mum

- Make her a nice breakfast to kick start the day or give her a day off from the kitchen
- Spa day including a Swedish massage is a perfect idea, my mum loves it

Learn to appreciate your mum on a weekly basis if not daily. Sweet gestures melt their hearts. No need to spend a fortune. Just a compliment can make her day! They work really hard without expecting any compensation, just out of love.
Now coming to the end of the post but leaving a task for you.
Make a nice family meal without disturbing mum the whole day and have it together. I know its very hard to keep mums away from their kitchens but she would love a day off! I am telling you. I love it, haha! So do it!
And if you can, please consider me your mum for a day too and you know what to do next *wink* cause my baby is so small and he can't read this post although I can read it to him but he is too small to do these things.
fatima ali and baby N
That's my BabyN' and I :-) More pictures, here 

I would love to know your thoughts on this post. Do you want me to continue the Desi Mum Series? If yes, I would love to read your suggestions on the topics I should cover? Also thinking of doing another post on Mother's Day (March 6th) gift ideas. What say?______________________________________

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    All the images are the property of Blogs by Fa
    Please do not use without permission.


  1. I love this post paying tribute to your mum. I am very close with my mom too. Truthfully, I don't know where I'd be without her. Do you have a recipe for these flatbreads? I'd love to know more about ghee as well! Keep writing!

    1. Moms are such a blessing. After being a mother myself, I now realize how tiring it is.
      Flatbreads are available in stores in frozen section, you will just have to fry for a minute but if you want to make them from scratch then take 1 cup flour, a pinch of salt, 1 tsp oil and knead it with warm water. Make balls and use a rolling pin to flaten them. Fry with oil until golden brown. Ghee is available in most of the big super stores or Asian shops. I prefer the brand called Aseel :-)

  2. Oh and I am like just make me breakfast and I'll do rest of the work :) I will check out her stuff.

  3. eachtime you drop these recipe/tips on meals I feel glad to learn a thing or two from you... Tnx for sharing...

    #2025 will birth #2428

    1. Always glad to see your comments on the blog. Cheers!

  4. Your writing has such heart and feeling in this post.I think you should continue it and expand on it.My wife and I are in another season as grandparents and time will seem so very slow.Remember this always it is moving fast.You will blink and have a teenager and then a young adult,Soon you will be a grandparent and long so very much for these precious days.Hold them close and don't blink.

    1. Thanks for such a lovely comment. I totally agree with you. Time surely flies. My baby is a year old now but I completely understand that he will be a teenager soon.

  5. Beautiful write up. I have to try your paranthas/ flat bread. Looks so tempting.

  6. This is so sweet! You are so lucky to have had a mom that made your breakfast every morning :) I could use some cooking tips from you!

    1. Oh yes,absolutely! Mums do so much for their children. I now realise after myself being a mother.

  7. Those breads look delicious! I'd love to try this one as I interesting so much to try other culture dish. Is there any other companion to this bread to eat with?

    1. Hey Rose. Thank you for stopping by. You can buy frozen parathas from the super stores and simply fry them with little oil at home. You can have it with different kebabs and curries.

  8. Sweety you made me hungry. Literally! Ok desi ghee/buttervrich paratha is your definition of healthy food!!! LOL.You are sure a big hearted Punjabi.

    Yes dear as a new mom, you would crave for hungry food. You are doing great. Your baby would expect you to eat well. Happy mom results in happy baby. And yes, tell your mom I love her too. ☺

    1. The fact that the ghee is pure, it won't harm and its always good to give that to children, isn't it? :-) We become health conscious after growing old and that's when we miss the old things in life.

      I am not Punjabi. I am a Karachite but my grandmother lives in Punjab because my grandad was posted there for work.

      Totally agree with you. Lots of love passing your way and blessings from mom.

  9. oh this came at a wrong time. I was already so hungry and now i'm practically drooling :p

  10. i make these too...and they are yumm!

  11. Making breakfast is the hardets thing for me literally. I am just sooo sleepy lol

    1. Yeah! It is such a blessing if you get already prepared breakfast.

  12. Ah, the hard labor is a killer for us women. I love bread products and bake and knead a lot. My in-laws are all worn out due to making all sorts of bread products too. May Allah bless all these women in our lives, amiin! Thx for the recipe! xx :)

    1. So true! May God bless all the hardworking women.

  13. You made me remember my mother and the food she used to make...I really miss her as she's no more but yes...what she taught me gives me strength...jazakillah khair dear! Love your post!

    1. Thank you for your comment. May God bless her soul. Mothers do so much for us, we can't ever repay them.

  14. Lovely read, must try these recipes

  15. Fatima you made a good fortune of them, are you having a brunch, I am waiting for the invitatiion?
    Well, you are correct in a sense that DESI ghee should be a essential part of a KID'S Diet, they need it for their growing bones and tingling Brain development.
    When you will be visiting KaraCHi,
    Ltme know, it willl be great.
    Salam to all moms and especially yours.
    DR. MYDA(maeida) Tahir.

    1. I would love to have you at my place. No plans of visiting Khi at the moment but it would be good if we can meet. WS from her side.

  16. oh my goodness, those parathas are so drool-worthy! and lovely post, mothers are the best, may Allah bless them <3

  17. You reminded of me of my mom n her delicious food...I miss her :(

    1. Ah sorry about that :-)
      You can enjoy her food when you visit her next time.

  18. I loved reading this post. I of course want to devour the food you pictured. I often find myself walking by the students at lunch time. Many of whom bring parathas in their lunch boxes. I think how much care their mom's must make when preparing their meals for the day. One of the other teachers asked me what the students were eating, as she found the looked quite delicious, and where she might be able to purchase them. I told her that only a mother's love could make such an amazing bread.

    1. Hey! It's lovely reading your comment. Glad you enjoyed the post.
      I totally agree that mothers put so much love in the food they cook for their children. Previously my mom used to make parathas for me & now I make them for my baby. Time flies!

  19. Your post is so sweet! And that food looks so delicious! I'd love a breakfast like that!

  20. Alhamdulillah for the gift of our mothers.

    May Allah bless them and all mothers for their never ending labour of love and BIG hearts.

  21. Those paratas loook sooooooo goood!!! That is talent! Red chilli on egg - oh my!!! Reminds me of my stay at my grandmas house :)

    There really is nothing like mum's cooking - it's emotional and physical nourishment :)

    1. So true! Thanks for stopping by. Such lovely comments mean a lot to me.

  22. Parantas are one thing I really struggle to get right! So given up lol. If want one I pop over to my mums as she literally lives 5 mins away!

  23. so touching.. awsome writing style :)

  24. Mum's breakfast is really the most delicious meal in the world! i also miss my mum's cooking all time. Those foods really look delicious. Hope I could try one of those.

  25. So awesome for you to have had a mom to show you the way to being awesome lol!. Im sure she's glad that you understand how hard she worked for her children, Im loving this blog, and look forward to seeing recipes I love trying food from other cultures!

  26. Wow! Nice presentation and everything. I really don't know how to cook, but this was worth the read. Keep the articles coming :D #DesiFood


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