The Importance of Co-Curricular Activities in Prep Schools

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The Importance of Co-Curricular Activities in Prep Schools

The main academic curriculum is not the only important element of a strong education. So much can be learnt outside of the traditional classroom environment, which is why many prep and primary schools offer a variety of co-curricular activities to their children. At this prep school in Surrey, the main components of their co-curricular programme are scheduled during the extended school day and are available to all children. In addition to these timetabled activities, they also offer lunchtime clubs and other optional extras outside of school hours, like jazz and ballet lessons, choir, tennis coaching, and music lessons, to name but a few. Not only does this enrich the child’s school day, but also helps parents with wraparound care from 8-6pm.

Embarking on a new hobby is a chance for children to unleash their hidden talents and develop a range of new skills, such as perseverance, teamwork, bravery, and self-discipline. They are more than just a fun form of entertainment; they actually support a child’s overall development in many ways. Trying something new takes courage and encouraging your child to join an extra-curricular club either at school or externally will allow them to step outside of their comfort zone and build on their self-esteem. As they become more proficient in their chosen activity, they will start to learn that they can do anything they set their mind to. 

Team sports and other group hobbies give children the chance to meet new people and socialise with their peers outside of the classroom environment. This will help them feel a sense of belonging, which is important within a school community. If your child seems to struggle with certain social situations, encouraging them to join a club or pursue a hobby may help them become more comfortable with talking to others. This, in turn, might help them feel more confident getting involved in classroom discussions and raising their hand in lessons. 

Many co-curricular clubs are graded and allow children to gain certain qualifications, which could help them when applying to universities in the future. In fact, universities tend to look favourably upon applicants who can demonstrate interests and a commitment to areas outside of their normal school obligations. This alone is a fantastic reason to encourage your child to pursue a hobby.

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